Sunday, November 11, 2012

Characteristics of most stalkers

Cyber Stalking is one of the most horrific crimes one person can promote against another. Stalkers are self-centered persons consumed with having power and control over others, and the firm belief they are a legend and entitled to any and all persons or things their depraved heart desires. These are dangerous individuals and do not stop on their own. Unfortunately, it seems that stalkers can often find loop holes in the law they use to their advantage.

One woman called me a few weeks ago regarding a situation she had been having for over two years. Her former husband was angry with her for divorcing him and made it his life’s mission to make her miserable. He set out to accomplish this by inadvertly sending email threats against her and her family, compromising her job security, putting numerous and outrageous lies on paper via US postal service, sending hundreds of emails and texts filled with very heinous accusations of her character, and even writing a self-published book. Yes, that’s right. Unless you have ever been stalked, you cannot possibly understand how this activity can uproot your life, filling you with utter hopelessness and despair. You try to do the right thing by talking with what you believe to be the appropriate authorities and are shot down by every department you turn to for one bureaucratic reason or another. 

Bottom line is Do Not Give Up! Start from the top of the system and work your way down if you have to. No one should have to live in total fear of a mean, deranged, self-tormented person. There is help out there- you have to be diligent. Stand up for yourself, believe in yourself, and challenge the legal system. Carry a tape recorder with you. Carry a video camera or use a cell phone video / camera if you have one. Most of all – DOCUMENT dates, times, actions, etc on a consistent and diligent basis. You have done nothing wrong to cause this person’s action. The stalker is the one breaking the law and the system should take this serious and do what we elected them to do for each citizen. Good luck and May God bless you and your efforts. I care.

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