Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Divorce- or Live with Infidelity?

Back in 2011, I had a call from a business woman in Marietta. This client and her husband both had their own business. She felt her husband was cheating on her since he was displaying all the usual criteria of a cheater. He had started working out, buying new clothes, underwear, and taking extra stock in his appearance.
He had started putting his wife down by telling her she looked old, had gained weight, needed a face lift and he was no longer attracted to her sexually. He still claimed no affair when she asked him and as things heated up he went a step farther and told her even if he was she would never be able to prove it.
I took her case and within a week I was able to follow her husband to his mistress' house and the rest is history. You know what they say, a picture is worth a thousand words, and the camera doesn’t lie.
This case was ready to go- retain a lawyer and win in any court of law on grounds of adultery. However, once confronted with the evidence I obtained, he began to cry like a baby and apologize all over himself and she, the client, took him back.
I haven’t heard from this client since but I find it hard to believe the marriage is in good shape.
Private investigators obtain the evidence, but what the client chooses to do with it, is their business. If you are thinking about hiring a PI to obtain evidence for you remember this. Once evidence is obtained and you take that person back, that evidence is no longer useful to you in future court cases.

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